We are in a climate emergency.We can’t plant our way out of this.

One old oak sequesters twice as much carbon as the seedlings from 5000 acorns planted by our kids.

Our school kids planted acorns in the Napa “Acorns to Oaks“ program. Click the video below to see what they learned.


We have nine short years to become carbon neutral and prevent the worst effects of climate breakdown.


We need old trees to reach climate goals.

A 100 year old oak has already sequestered 1.3 metric tons of carbon within its trunk, roots, and branches.

Tell our Board of Supervisors to stop cutting our forests. Deforestation destabilizes the climate.

Protecting forests stabilizes the climate.

“The growing consensus of scientific findings is that, to effectively mitigate the worst impacts of climate change, we must not only move beyond fossil fuel consumption but must also substantially increase protection of our native forests in order to absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere and store more, not less, carbon in our forests.” Scientist Letter to Congress, 8 May 2020


“It doesn’t matter how many acorns we plant if we’re still cutting down trees.”

“We know what to do.”

— Emily and Sophia, Napa Schools for Climate Action

Join us! It’s time for a Time Out for Trees!

Contact your county supervisor and advise them enact a county moratorium on forest and woodland removal until the county’s Water Quality and Tree Protection Ordinance is strengthened..

Trees are a natural way to stop the worst impacts of climate disruption.

“We Know What to Do.”

A Beginning Success!

In August 2021 Napa Schools for Climate Action supported a resolution unanimously approved by the Calistoga City Council requesting the county Board of Supervisors to protect old-growth trees by enacting a moratorium on forest and woodland removal until the county's Water Quality & Tree Protection Ordinance can be strengthened.